Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chain writing

Dark stormy night, a door was opened slowly. The rain was keep falling. It was getting stonger. One person came out from the door with out an umbrella. It was quiet exept the rain because thet house was in a forest. The person walked around and seemed serious. Then a big unicorn came out and killed him slowly but painfully. This is how dangerous they are! Then a  fluffy panda came out of my swimming pool and attacked the house. Iran out quickly but the skunks came out attacked me. The skunks thought I was an enemy and spreaded gas. I was going to die but I braely escaped from it's smelly gas. But I couldn't escape and run away from it becaue i lost my parents. " Oh my I'm so frustrated!!! How can I go out? There's no map, no parents. No use even i cry here. What can i do? I thought that I should make a  boat, and escape or something. I was so desperate, I was ready to do everything. But then, I heard a scruffling sound. It was coming from behind me. I looked backand there were a girl standing behind me. I said "Who are you?". There were no answer. Iwas very frighten. The girl had strange eyes and her body was strangly twisted. She looked like a devil! I was scared so I took a step backward and said "Who are you?" again and "Why are you here?" but she had no answer. She just smiled like a devil, and came closer. She said " Hi. I'm devil's queen, Mrs. Devil. Why?". " I don't know but I was just surprised because you suddenly appeared!" " Well, go away! I shouted. "No. I have to take you to my world!" But I didn't accepted because I didn't wanted to go to the devil's world. But she kept said that she have to take me. So I ran from her. But she was a devil. She used her power and made him stop. I heard  the rain and the devil's steps. She slowly walked to me and telled why she's trying to take him to take him. She said "You know what you have done but you are not sayng about it. Right?" I tried to talk that I didn't, but I coulnd't move my mouth. She kept saying, "You killed the king of  devil's world. You smashed him up in a painfull way." she made me move but she used her power and moved to the devil's world. She thought the one who killed the serious guy was me! When they were arrived, I didn't know everything but i started to know what's happening. He tried to say that he didn't killed the devil's king but he was already in the jail. He would be killed next week infront of all the devils. I was so panic but I tried to solve this problem. I thought of many things to but it was not easy. I researched alot but it was too hard. And finally, the day before I was going to be killed came. I was crying all the time and did nothing. When I was eating my last dinner, An unicorn suddenly appeared! The unicorn expalined about the case. I was first angry at it becaue I knew that the unicorn killed the king but after I know what happened, I understand. So, the unicorn was ordered to kill the king of the devil by the witch. The witch was very famous and the witch had a secret academy. Almost everybody dosen;t know about this but there were some secret agents. And I chosen before I was born to go to that academy. Also, the witch ordered the unicorn to do this because he had to see how I'm going to protect my self in this situation. However, I was escaped the jail. The unicorn helped me and took me to the secret academy. The unicorn told me that I called the unicorn yesterday night but I didn't know. Then, I knew that my parents were a famous witch so I was chosen to go to the secret academy. However, I went to the secret school and learned about magic. My parents had much money, so I could be in the school. I was just learning hard in the school and forgot everything about the devil.......

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